Terms and Conditions

1.We have a number of policies in place to assure the quality of our programmes, their administration and the safety of the participants and staff who take part in them. Please take a moment to review our policies and terms and conditions below.

Camps Administration


1.1 Places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

1.2 You are asked to inform the office in writing should you wish to make any changes after the application is submitted. Please see below for our policies on withdrawals.

1.3 Please check time, date and venue carefully as outlined on the schedule. No further reminder will be made, but you will always be notified of any changes in a camp schedule or location.

1.4 To ensure swift communication in case of emergencies, participants are required to provide at least one emergency contact with a local jurisdiction phone number. When an accident arises, AO shall immediately contact the participant's designated phone number. In the event that the call goes unanswered, AO will promptly send an email to the participant to notify them of the incident. Therefore, it is crucial that you regularly check your email inbox, including your spam folder, to ensure you receive our communications.    If you are not receiving our email, please check your junk mail (email) and make sure that we have your updated contact details so that you receive communications from us. We cannot be held responsible for any missed camps due to unread emails or our email landing in your spam inbox. If you are uncertain which contact details you provided us with, please write to us through email at info@aisloutdoor.com, and we will update your email address and your telephone number. It is very important that we have your correct contact details in accordance with our Child Protection Policy. Please also keep in mind that if you opt out of email communication, you may miss important information related to the programmes your child attends.

1.5 We have the right to exclude participants from camps for the non-payment of fees.

2. Withdrawals, Absences, Changes & Cancellations

2.1 Participants who successfully enroll in a camp and withdraw from it before the camp commences may receive a refund as set out below. The request for withdrawal must be made in writing to info@aisloutdoor.com.

Withdrawal request is submitted to us Percentage (%) of Camp Fee Refund

- on or before 31 March 2024 [80%]
- on or before 30 April 2024 [60%]
- after 30 April 2024 [40%]
- upon the first commencement date of the camp [0%]

In situations where a participant is physically unfit to meet the camp's requirements, they may withdraw from the camp and request a refund or apply to join another camp within one year. A professional evaluation or documentation from a  registered doctor must be provided within 7 days of the camp start date. 80%  refund amounts would be offered subject to the sole decision of AISL OUTDOOR .

If participants feel their English proficiency isn't sufficient for camp, they can request a refund on the first day of camp.  The Operations Provider/Programme Provider will assess their language skills on that day. If the assessment shows inadequate English proficiency, a 20% refund will be considered. However, if the Operations Provider/Programme Provider deems their English proficiency sufficient and the participant still wants to withdraw, no refund will be granted.  Please note that this English language proficiency test applies only to student camp participants and not to family camps or adult participants under family camps.

If the camp does not reach the minimum number of participants, as indicated on the registration website, two weeks prior to the camp start date, AISL OUTDOOR reserves the right not to organize the camp. In such cases, a full refund will be offered to all registered participants or such participants may apply to join another camp within one year.

Refund will be made within 30 days after receipt of the refund application form which is properly completed and signed by the participants who wish to request for a refund, subject to the sole decision of AISL OUTDOOR.

2.2 No refund or credit will be provided for participants who withdraw after a camp commences, irrespective of the reasons for early departure after the camp commences. This policy applies to all cases of withdrawal, except for medical reasons and/or English language proficiency subject to the onsite assessment by the Operations Provider/Content Provider.

2.3 Participants who are entitled to a refund can choose to apply to join another camp instead of getting the refund within one year, subject to the full payment of any price difference between the new reorganised camp selected and the original camp.  AO will have the sole discretion to make the decision.

2.4 We reserve the right to change camp times, venues and dates at our discretion. Parents will be notified of any changes in advance as soon as possible.

2.5 Where there are changes to our schedule, we will notify the parent/guardian by email or by telephone if there is no available email. If the change happens with less than 7 days’ notice, we will telephone the parent/guardian. If the participant is not able to join a reorganised camp which may be held in a different timeslot or in a different location than he/she originally applied for, the participant has the right to change to another camp within one year.

2.6 In the event of school closures according to government orders or policies e.g. to deal with COVID-19 situation, or due to inclement weather (to ensure safety of participants in the venues where our programmes are conducted), camps will be postponed. Participants have the option to reschedule to another camp within one year with no refund will be made.

Extreme Weather Conditions or public health emergency of international concern (e.g. COVID 19)

"In the event of extreme weather conditions or a public health emergency of international concern (e.g., COVID-19) where it is necessitate the cancellation of the training camp, participants will have two options:

  1. The option to reschedule to another camp within one year.
  2. The option to request a refund.

We recognize that unforeseen circumstances can arise, and our top priority is the safety, health, and well-being of all our participants."

However, please note that if the camp is partially affected by extreme weather conditions or public health emergency of international concern, such as delayed start times or shortened sessions, a partial refund or credit towards a future camp may be offered, depending on the severity of the disruption. Our decision regarding partial refunds or credits will be based on the extent of the weather-related or health-related impact on the camp and the camp costs already incurred.

The partial refund will be calculated on a pro-rated basis, taking into account the number of uncompleted days due to the weather or health-related impact on the camp.

2.7 Behaviour of Participants

In the event of a camper's suspension or dismissal from the camp due to instances of bullying, there shall be no entitlement to a refund for the unutilized portion of the camp days. This policy is established on the basis of fairness, underlining the significance of exhibiting respectful conduct and the ramifications associated with engaging in bullying behavior.

Refund requests upon the first commencement date of the camp, will be subject to review by AO and will require participants to provide supporting proof documents. The withdrawal scenarios outlined below may apply.  However, AO retains the sole discretion of the decision. 


Withdrawal Scenario

Refund %

Admin charge/ bank charge paid by participants or AA


Withdrawal, with own reasons not in any case of below, before the predetermined cutoff date per Clause 2.1 before the camp.

Based on the cut-off time of Clause 2.1

Bank charges to be borne by participants.


Participant not able to obtain an entry visa to designated camp location, with supporting provided


Bank charges to be borne by participants


Participant’s school calendar change, with supporting provided


Bank charges to be borne by participants.


Illness prior to the start of the camp, supported by a medical certificate.

In the event of illness during the camp and subject to provision of medical certificate, a refund will be provided on a pro-rated basis for the days not completed.


Bank charges to be borne by participants.


Early departure due to language difficulties, assessed by the Camp Operator on the first day.


Bank charges to be borne by participants.


Early departure due to dissatisfaction with the camp environment or incidents of bullying.




Early departure due to illness during camp period.

Refund calculated on pro-rated based

Bank charges to be borne by participants.


No show is when a participant with an advanced reservation does not arrive at the reserved location or fails to cancel a reservation by a specified date/time. 




3. Payment for a Camp

3.1 Camp fees need to be fully paid upon enrolment.

4. Parent and Guardian Responsibilities

4.1 Parents and/or guardians are responsible for the transportation arrangement of the participants to and from the programme venue and the travelling arrangements including visa applications (if applicable) of the participants.
4.2 Camps will finish on time. Please ensure you pick up your child promptly at the end of the camp.

5. Safety

5.1 Participants are expected to abide by the regulations of the facility. This will be strictly enforced and we reserve the right to ask anyone who does not abide by the rules or behaves unreasonably to leave immediately. No refund or credit will be available under such circumstances.

5.2. AISL OUTDOOR, our coaches and our teachers are not responsible for any injury to participants, or damages or loss of property as a result of participation in our camps.

5.3. In case of a medical emergency, your child will be transferred to the nearest hospital using the local Government Emergency Medical Unit.

6. Information Policy

6.1 Information provided by you on your application form will be used for the purposes of processing your application for enrolment; and administration after enrolment.

6.2 The data we collect will be kept confidential. You have the right to obtain access to and request correction of any information concerning you and your child held by us. Requests for such access should be made in writing.

6.3 We reserve the right to amend our policies from time to time.

6.4 Read our full Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

7. Child Protection Policy

AISL OUTDOOR have a duty of care towards children in their charge and ensure always that the safety and protection of the child comes first – whether presented with an actual hazard, or in relation to any form of abuse. Each coach and teacher shall comply with AISL OUTDOOR’s safeguarding requirements. Any matters of child protection or safety should be raised with us by email at info@aisloutdoor.com.

8. Code of Conduct

We value the relationship we have with our parents and participants, and strive to treat one another with respect and dignity, and offer support where needed. In turn we have an expectation that parents and care-givers of children attending any of our programmes follow the same principles.

All parties should


  • treat one another with respect
  • respect the confidentiality of the situation and the privacy of individuals involved
  • respect the beliefs, cultures and opinions of others even if you disagree


  • follow the procedures and practices of the programme and if you disagree with something, talk to the coach/teacher first

Ethical Communication

  • use appropriate communication skills
  • stay calm and relaxed
  • use non-judgmental, respectful language
  • seek advice whenever appropriate

We ask that parents and caregivers and participants please

Ethical Conduct

  • don’t smoke anywhere on school premises
  • don’t possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on school premises
  • don’t harass or abuse any person or use profanity on school premises or sports facility
  • do not take any photographs or video/audio recordings without AISL OUTDOOR’s permission.

Participants should

  • Follow the rules in the camp
  • behave and dress appropriately

9. Photos / Videos Guidelines

AISL OUTDOOR taking photographs or videos

9.1 AISL OUTDOOR coaches and teachers and staff may occasionally use cameras and take videos during sessions and camps for use in promotional publications and on our website.

9.2 These images/videos will not be passed onto third parties.

9.3 If parents do not wish us to use photos that include their child, please advise us on the application form or, in writing.

10. Insurance Coverage

AISL Outdoor and its Operations Providers are responsible for maintaining liability insurance coverage. This specific third-party risk insurance is structured to offer compensation in the event of financial losses stemming from unfortunate incidents involving the death or bodily injury of a third party. These incidents are directly related to shared areas and facilities within the premises, including but not limited to elevators, staircases, fire service installations, and other communal amenities.

We strongly recommend that our participants purchase their own personal travel or personal injury insurance coverage at their own expense. This proactive step is instrumental in ensuring comprehensive protection for their individual interests and overall well-being during their engagement with our services.

This supplementary insurance coverage serves as an additional layer of security  and  offers a safeguard against unforeseen circumstances and provides a vital safety net for our participants.